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Guidance for successful self-employment/entrepreneurship -

ready to grow your business? 

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Always one step ahead

Today's world is changing fast. At the same time, the requirements and challenges that self-employed people and entrepreneurs have to face in order to be successful on the market are becoming ever more demanding. The infinite number of intelligent tools quickly give the impression that in-depth expertise is no longer required to build and manage a company. Artificial intelligence can increase efficiency, but it can also quickly become overwhelming if the ideal mix of AI and the human brain is not present. The excessive demands brought about by rapid change often result in exhaustion and burnout.


We want to provide self-employed people and entrepreneurs with a trusted environment where they can access selected and verified information to improve their business and build resilience.
That's why ForwardMinds provides
self-employed people, start-ups and small businesses with uplifting advice, knowledge and training that serves as a compass in a confusing jungle. This compass is designed to guide and support them from the development of a strategy to its efficient and effective implementation in day-to-day business.

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